June 2, 2018

The Dreaming Emperor

Beyond the mind is the Seer from which all things arise - All thoughts and all objects.

The Seer is like an ocean and all things that arise and disappear are waves of this ocean.

You are a wave in this ocean but the veil that creates your identity makes you feel separate from this ocean. You can become conscious that you are connected to this ocean only if you drop all thoughts for a second.

For a second let there be NO word in your mind...

NO Word is NOW. You are now a part of the Ocean and not apart.

You are now the dream of the Dreamer - the relationships, the house, the vehicle, the food, all have become dreams of the Dreamer.

The dreamer and the dream are one and not separate. The ocean and the waves are one and not separate.

And, there is only one ocean, which is the Emperor of all that exists! So, you are a dream of this Emperor. And your personal desires and goals are dreams within these dreams. Realise that the Emperor's desires and goals for you become the Emperor's dreams when you silence your mind for a while and remove the veil that separates you! An Emperor dreams big compared to you, so it's wise to allow yourself to be the Emperor's dream!!!

If you can't acknowledge this fact, what should you acknowledge? To know more click here - If You Can’t Acknowledge God, What Should You Acknowledge?

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