March 30, 2019

God - An Autobiography Review

During my over 25 year spiritual journey I have read a large number of channelled books on life and spirituality.

God - an autobiography is the latest among them and it has given me the widest and deepest knowledge about God and what God is up to with humans on planet earth.

Among many things, it importantly tells us about the role of humans vis-a-vis God and also how God is evolving as humans evolve.

Though the book is an autobiography of God earnestly channelled by Jerry Martin a former professor of philosophy at the University of Colorado at Boulder in USA, through whom God chooses to narrate the amazing experience during the Big Bang and also the revelation of the relationship with God beyond God - the soul of God, to me, this illuminating book has also served as a self-help guide!

From the book I learnt what God would have us do to take forward the goal of the universe referred to as "telos". I also learnt and applied to my life a cardinal rule that we must be OBEDIENT to God. I inferred that you can be obedient to God in various ways -
  1. Doing what God prefers for you: Thinking before every action what God would prefer and the book has made clear that what God prefers is whatever would make you your best self.
  2. Non-attachment: Not getting attached to material pleasures because this may turn you away from being obedient to God.
  3. Yielding the mind: Allowing yourself to be guided by God by letting go of your mind as often as you can and following the divine light of God like sunflowers following the path of the sun.
  4. Being like a duet singer: Taking guidance and acting upon it like two singers in harmony. That is how God would like us to relate.
  5. Remaining in balance: Not going over the deep-end of spirituality thereby serving the purpose of life and action on earth.
My understandings of the book certainly led to greater harmony within and outside of me.

Another great part of the book is that you get a synopsis of many different philosophies of the world at one place from none other than the author of these philosophies - God! The Chinese philosophies of Confucius, Tao and I-Ching, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and Christianity to name a few are all condensed here brilliantly. This has been done for us to realise that all these philosophies are chapters in one big continuing story of mankind.

If you have even the slightest interest in spirituality, this is a book that you may end up reading more than once and there will be newness to it every time you read it.

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March 20, 2019

Being Light and in the Light of is Enlightenment

I discovered a place in the year 2000 which is 5 hours away from my hometown in India called Kushinagar that is spiritually charged.

Kushinagar has the distinction of being the place where Gautama Buddha attained Nirvana upon his death. The followers of Buddhism, especially from Asian countries, wish to visit this place at least once in their lifetime. Why is that so?

From my experience I can tell you that as soon as you enter this city your body starts to de-stress like one feels when slipping into meditation.

After an overnight sleep, as I woke up at my hotel which was in the line of sight of the main temple, I was as refreshed as I would have been had I meditated the whole night.

I took a round of the main temple in the morning and was drawn towards a brick platform from where Buddha used to give sermons. To my surprise I found a greenish aura on the surface of this platform visible to the naked eye. This was indeed miraculous and the feeling while you sat in its vicinity was blissful.

I returned to this place 6 years later and surrendered to this spiritual energy from my heart. To my amazement, I immediately felt a tickle in my heart and a warmth enveloped my whole being - the kind one feels when your mother hugs you with love.

This feeling remained with me for 3 months and I would feel so complete with this blissful state that I didn’t want to meet anyone nor do any work.

I realised I was losing balance and going over the deep end of spirituality! So I pulled myself together and resumed my work.

Recently I read a quote of Buddha in Kushinagar that implied that we must find salvation in this life before the inevitable perishing of your body. I wondered what does anyone mean by “salvation”?

The answer came to me immediately. Salvation in this life is when one can remain “light” in every situation. If you are divinely charged, you are lightened. 

There are many ways in which you can divinely charge yourself to lighten your body and lighten your mind. Yoga, meditation, selfless service, friendships, reading inspirational stuff, music and dance are a few of them which have been tried and tested by me. Ready to go for some of them on a regular basis?

And here's the next step after you are lightened to become enlightened! You need to be in the "light" of all that there is!! You need to be at one with - the fire of the rising sun from dawn to dusk; the sparkling dew drops sitting upon a leaf; the gush of a gentle breeze; birds chirping with joy in hope of the morning worm; twinkling stars in the midnight sky; and the waxing and waning moon through the whole month. Go out into the wilderness and get lost in it.

When you are divinely charged and lost in nature, you are found, and you have found enlightenment!!!

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