September 18, 2019

5 Minute Simple Ritual To Align With God

God is that which has power over nature and human fortunes and is also referred to by some as Creation, Spirit, The Force, Universe, Cosmos, Existence, All That There Is etc. The word God originated from ancient words that mean ''to pour'' and ''to invoke''. When you surrender to God, in a sense you are bowing or pouring yourself into the immanent presence of God and at the same time you are calling forth and invoking the transcendent presence of God within yourself.

You may ask, “Why do we have to surrender to God?”
Everything has a mind of their own and then there is the collective mind of “All That There Is” which is perhaps like the conductor of an orchestra. By letting go of one’s individual mind for a while one can align with this “Conductor” and heed Its direction so that you play your part with your own mind in harmony with the symphony of the universe.

By no means is surrendering for a while ''not thinking for yourself''. Attuning to a force you have no control over is “thinking for yourself” and doing it. An example of attuning to a force you have no control over is carrying an umbrella even when the weather forecast says, ''No rain today'', because you know that you cannot control the weather nor can anyone predict it accurately. On a more logical note, we surrender to the laws of the land such as traffic rules and do not drive vehicles on the wrong side of the road so that people including yourself are not killed because everyone has aligned themselves to these rules.

So here is a 5 minute simple morning ritual of inner yielding to align with God, the Lord of the universe.
Note: This ritual does not mean that you have to become passive in your life but passive only for the guidance of God and then active to implement the guidance.


1. Relax your body: Lie on your back with your hands facing up and close your eyes. Relax all your muscles one by one from your toes up to your head. Take your attention to your jaws and your tongue and relax them. When relaxed, place yourself in the hands of God with complete faith. Transfer all your past and present loads to God. Know that you do not have any burden or debt of “karma”. There is nothing to get stressed about and there is nothing to fear. Feel your concerns disappear and enjoy your lightness.
You may like to say, "I place myself in Thy Hands and request Thee to hold all my concerns and support the load of my past, present and future."

2. Yield your mind: Simply let go of your thoughts and yield your mind earnestly to the mind of God. Feel the deep silence around you.
You may like to say, "I let go of my thoughts and yield my mind to Thy Mind. I request Thee for Thy guidance." 

3. Open your heart: Take a soulful deep breath in and as you exhale, open your heart wide and deep to allow the joy and grace of God to pervade your whole being and circumstances. Know that all of your past is forgiven and that the solutions you are looking for are emerging with God’s grace. Feel your worthiness to receive the love of God.
You may like to say, "I open my heart wide and deep and request Thy Joy and Grace to pervade my body, being and circumstances."

4. Enter God's Heart: Gently turn over to your left side and curl up like a child in the womb of God. Whisper from your heart, “Lord, as I enter Your Heart, envelope me with Thy Love”. Feel the warmth, calmness and reassuring security of God’s motherly love for a while.

5. Thank God: When you feel like, get up and say, “Thank you Lord for Thy ever-present, Love, Grace, Guidance and Support”. Remember that all of these are ever-present, so do not unplug yourself from them as you get up, by entertaining any thought that implies that you are done. Instead, fall in love with God and stay in love with life, God and yourself.

Now you can resume your responsibilities, with enthusiasm, in tune with God, and remember to be open to miracles. Your inner feelings are the gentle wisdom of God guiding you. Know that you are now an inspired agent of God and that you have to act with benevolence and humility, at all times.

(If you cannot remember the sequence of the ritual in one read, then practice the ritual a few times by reading it from your mobile phone while you do it. Ultimately it has to be done without any aids, with your eyes closed and with your whole-self, which is the fullness of your being)

Whenever you feel out of tune during the day, now you know how to be back in tune again in 5 minutes!

May the benevolent Force be with you.

As you resume your responsibilities, in order to remain in balance, here are some tips - The Pursuit Of Balance

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