December 26, 2019

Love the future

Usually, people, after prayer, worship, devotional singing, inspirational reading, rituals and meditation, disconnect from the spiritual realm with the mind saying in some way that it is “done”!

If we do not entertain the idea that these spiritual practices are “done”, if we do not allow the mind to say that a ritual is over, then the spiritual will stay on with you throughout...

Would you not rather have a river of spirit whose flow has been developed through spiritual practice to run constantly and not spoil it with a “dam” of limiting thoughts.

When you need to use your mind for work, let it be enabled by the spiritual. During work we can constantly refer to our spiritual awareness like we refer to a book for better understanding.

It is the mind that raises a cloud of thoughts, which usually are to do with the future, that block out the rays of spiritual light that are there to show you the way.

A great way to disperse these clouds of thoughts made up of “molecules” of fear, doubt, anxiety, achievement goals, etcetera is to just love the future. Guess what? Loving the future will also build your enthusiasm and passion for life.

Here are a few steps to make your spiritual practices into a continuum, instead of entertaining an idea of completion, which will help you to think and act from a state of being-ness:

1. Start with being grateful for your past and what can be better than being grateful that your past has ensured that you are alive today.

2. Then, accept the present. And why not? You cannot send back what has showed up today. You cannot un-ring a bell that has just chimed.

3. Now, you are ready to love the future with your heart wide open and your mind open to receive whatever it may throw up. If you have difficulty in loving the unknown future, then love the mystery and the suspense of it.

What you love will give you something that you love.

Want to lead others to a bright future? Here is the way - Leadership Lessons for the New Age

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