September 21, 2020

11 C’s for success during Covid times of uncertainty

Covid has caused uncertainties in income, health, wellbeing and relationships. Uncertainties can take you into negative spirals of thoughts and emotions specially when there is discomforting news.  Remember these 11 C’s of success while navigating through Covid times of uncertainty. If you sow these 11 seeds now, they will help you live the life of your dreams and at the same time help you to contribute to the betterment of the world. 
  1. Compassion – This is the highest intelligence which is why it comes first. Unless you are doing something for the betterment of humankind in some way you will not have lasting success. Compassion is also the parent of most leadership qualities. Empathy at the workplace and at home keeps everyone motivated and well, which is specially needed during Covid times. Empathy requires good comprehension too, so put your focus on understanding a situation holistically before reaching out to help.
  2. Collaboration – You cannot be the master of all trades nor have the time to do all things needed to succeed. So one has to use the services of people, for things you are not a master at and for providing you with enough leisure time for a work-life balance. Corona has made it possible to collaborate remotely with experts and there are a lot of people out there in the Gig economy who can help you. Use them beneficially.
  3. Curiosity – Questioning is more important than answering because questions open doors to new avenues. During Covid times one has to innovate and without questioning this is not possible. You have to question old ways for them to yield place to new.
  4. Commitment – There’s always a way if you are committed. Commitment requires belief in what you are doing and that’s what keeps you persistently at something without letting up on your steam. Without commitment during Covid times you will lose interest in your work while working from home or if out of a job. Commit yourself to a larger cause or goal, such as the environment, caring, or technology for development and that will keep you going.
  5. Creativity – This is most needed in Corona times to overcome the risky situations this virus has created. How can you be creative? There is something called Design Thinking that is being adopted by literature, art, music, science, engineering, and business alike. It involves empathetically understanding your customers’ needs, brainstorming, questioning ideas, prototyping, testing and iterating. Use this practical design process in your creativity.
  6. Courage – Don’t sit idle during a lock down because it may lead to a negative spiral of thoughts emanating from fear. Have the courage to interact with people and think of ideas never thought of before. You never know what might make a difference.
  7. Confidence – The risks of Corona can undermine your confidence. How about thinking of it this way -  According to WHO, in 2016, 56.9 million deaths were reported worldwide out of a population of 7,426.1 million i.e. 0.77%, and in 2020, the Covid-19 year, it is going to go up by 0.02% and be about 0.79%. So the slightly higher risk to your life, which is temporary till a vaccine pervades the market, many of which are on the verge of deployment, should make you more confident to face life boldly with just a little bit of caution. 
  8. Caution – It’s important to have a livelihood and also to realise your dreams so that you don’t live a life that is dead. During Covid times the safest way of going about your work is taking precautions of wearing a mask, keeping a physical distance of 6 feet from people you meet, sanitising your hands regularly and also every time you enter and leave a place, and building immunity by having multivitamins, nutritious food and daily exercise.
  9. Communication – Thanks to Covid, communication has become easy with so many digital platforms providing seamless connects through video calls that function even with low bandwidths. Unless you are connected to a large network through social media and other means it is not possible to scale your work rapidly. You can even be connected to a large number of family members and friends at the same time through video calls which is a very satisfying experience during these uncertain Corona times. At least one thing is certain, the person you need to talk to is a few clicks away from you now, wherever you or they may be. Take advantage of this fact.
  10. Calmness – No point in getting your adrenalin up. It’s only meant for fight or flight situations. So sail through your days’ work or this moments’ assignment, without being in a rush. This will open up a space of “presence of mind” in your brain that ensures what you are doing is more perfect.
  11. Cheerfulness – Have you ever seen a glum and closed person succeed? I guess No. Cheerfulness is an important secret to success. It comes from your soul and it comes when you pour out from your soul whatever you are offering to the world. Bring out your innate self and you will be cheerful. It may be stand-up comedy, playing a musical instrument, speaking in your favourite language, writing prose or poetry, painting, or just caring.
You need not have all these 11 qualities to begin with, but you can start to cultivate them now. Corona also means silver lining. This virus is telling the world to pivot, reset and start anew to bring in a better world, which is the silver lining. Ask yourself what new tack can I take to succeed in this new world order of digitisation and green practices? It doesn’t matter if you are a student, professional or an entrepreneur, there is always something you can do differently to succeed.

You have something that you are one of the best at in the world. All you need to do is discover this, believe it and use your gift.

Getting out of negative spirals during Covid times - Click to read

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