November 19, 2018

Will AI take away your job?

An AI assistant
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the most prized investment that the biggest tech companies of the world are pumping millions of dollars into. Take a look at the top 10 investors – Google, Amazon, Apple, Intel, Microsoft, Uber, Twitter, AOL, Facebook and Salesforce.

Why is AI so attractive to those with deep pockets? Because these intelligent machines that mimic the neural networks of the human brain can be taught to think and act like humans using what is known as deep learning. By showing the machine real life situations say of symptoms of a disease and then a group of expert doctors telling it what the disease is and what the best possible cure is the machine becomes as intelligent as a panel of doctors, if not more. Instead of going to an expensive doctor you can choose to access the machine owned by a corporate giant, pay a lesser fee and get cured with the machines advice.

AI has started to take away jobs, of chauffeurs with autonomous cars on the road, of private secretaries with machine assistants making your phone calls for appointments and many more jobs will go as machines already in the process of deep learning come into the market.

To those who say that alternate jobs will be created by AI such as programmers of AI machines, just consider the number of jobs lost against the number of jobs created because of AI. A recent report by McKinsey predicts that by 2030, as many as 800 million jobs could be lost worldwide to automation.

So who makes money while those who lose jobs lose money? The ones who own AI machines and the one you used to work for before you lost your job to a machine, in spite of the fact that products and services would become cheaper for the consumer with greater efficiency of AI machines over humans.

Ethics of AI will become all important as AI progresses both in terms of its intelligence and its extension into the workplace.

At present, ethics of AI revolves around ‘’The Three Laws of Robotics’’ devised by the science fiction author Isaac Asimov:
1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

Asimov also added a fourth, or zeroth law, to precede the others:
0. A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.

The Three Laws, and the zeroth, have impacted thought on ethics of artificial intelligence.

But, what if a murderer attacks another human being and that human being whips out a knife in self-defence. By the time the robot sees this circumstance, the two are trying to kill each other. Unaware who is the murderer, the robot injures both humans because its inaction will allow two human beings to come to harm!

A big question – Should we use AI as weapons of destruction?

And, another big question – Does doing away with jobs on a large scale, worldwide, harm humanity?

Ethics of artificial intelligence must be addressed by the UN along with all stakeholders because if only industry organisations formulate the ethics there will certainly be conflict of interest.

Some of the important decisions that will have to be taken by governments will be appropriate amount of insurance premiums to be paid by automation machine manufacturers and service providers in order to provide a limited period income support for those who lose jobs to automation. Among other things, this income support will be needed for re-training, re-skilling and up-skilling of jobless people so that they may be gainfully re-employed. This would be a better alternative to taxing automation in order to keep jobless people on the dole. A large number of jobless people can cause a huge socio-economic problem for countries and the earlier the future potential of this is addressed the better. Lawmakers should be sensitive to the fact that a life without meaning is no life at all.

One good side of income support for re-training if you lose your job to automation is that you can build your creative talents and critical thinking skills which cannot be replaced by a machine. And, if you are able to earn money from these talents and skills by setting up a small business, you can perhaps spend more quality time with family and friends than you did when you were in a job!

Now here is a futuristic view of life on earth as a spinoff of AI, which you may never have imagined.
  1. The wide prevalence of AI will cause people to be jobless in large numbers.
  2. To remain happy, jobless people will turn to meditation.
  3. Meditation by such a large number of people will cause a rise in higher consciousness.
  4. The human genes and mind are the quantum computers of consciousness largely untapped at present.
  5. Higher consciousness will start to use this human computer.
  6. Jobless people will suddenly start to manifest well-being of their bodies and minds, also leading to longevity.
  7. Seeing this miracle, other people will turn to meditation.
  8. Higher consciousness is naturally benevolent and will lead to benevolent actions.
  9. So, people will “grow up” and will stop throwing “stones” at each other. They will get along.
  10. Governments and corporations will all be headless and will be run on benevolent principles, rules and terms agreed by all.
  11. When higher consciousness is explored further by humans it will lead to using it to manifest material things, inter-galactic travel, and doing away with redundant technology because the human being will be the most superior technology to be explored and higher consciousness will be the ultimate quantum physics to be used!!! An example of one ubiquitous technology becoming redundant is mobile phones because communication will be telepathic!

Want to know about a business where people will still be needed? Click here - A Guest’s Perspective of 5 Star Hotels

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June 2, 2018

The Dreaming Emperor

Beyond the mind is the Seer from which all things arise - All thoughts and all objects.

The Seer is like an ocean and all things that arise and disappear are waves of this ocean.

You are a wave in this ocean but the veil that creates your identity makes you feel separate from this ocean. You can become conscious that you are connected to this ocean only if you drop all thoughts for a second.

For a second let there be NO word in your mind...

NO Word is NOW. You are now a part of the Ocean and not apart.

You are now the dream of the Dreamer - the relationships, the house, the vehicle, the food, all have become dreams of the Dreamer.

The dreamer and the dream are one and not separate. The ocean and the waves are one and not separate.

And, there is only one ocean, which is the Emperor of all that exists! So, you are a dream of this Emperor. And your personal desires and goals are dreams within these dreams. Realise that the Emperor's desires and goals for you become the Emperor's dreams when you silence your mind for a while and remove the veil that separates you! An Emperor dreams big compared to you, so it's wise to allow yourself to be the Emperor's dream!!!

If you can't acknowledge this fact, what should you acknowledge? To know more click here - If You Can’t Acknowledge God, What Should You Acknowledge?

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June 1, 2018

The Pursuit Of Balance

In a world of duality, opposites exist so that you can experience each attribute that exists. In the absence of darkness you cannot experience light. In the absence of smallness you cannot experience bigness.

Experiencing the opposites is like learning to ride a bicycle. You tilt to the left and you tilt to the right before you can come to the center and ride with balance. At times you can even fall down and hurt yourself which is similar to becoming an alcoholic who goes out of balance with over drinking. Sometimes to regain balance, an alcoholic quits drinking completely for a few years only to fall back into the habit of drinking again. This is a pendulum movement of your consciousness for attaining balance at the center of consciousness. When you finally attain balance, and the “pendulum” hovers close to the center, then you automatically feel light. That is enlightenment!

The pursuit of enlightenment does not lead to enlightenment but the pursuit of balance does.

When in balance, apart from the feeling of lightness which results in a spring in your step at every moment, you will also feel gladness and satisfaction. This feeling is very similar to the one you may have felt when you actually first learned to ride a bicycle without any props.

Some tips for attaining balance:
  1. Engaging wholeheartedly with life but also withdrawing from activities at least once a day by doing some form of meditation. Getting adequate sleep as well.
  2. Engaging in selfless service thereby giving you balance because there is no expectation of material gain or fear of material loss.
  3. Engaging in daily exercise to help the body and mind remain in balance.
  4. Pursuing passions accompanied with compassion like a mother tending to her child.
  5. A balanced diet designed by a nutritionist to help in getting your organs into balance.
  6. Knowing that sadness is okay and embracing it when it comes because it must balance happiness.
  7. Knowing that pain is okay and embracing it when it comes because it must balance pleasure.
  8. Not judging, people, places and circumstances, to help you remain at the center because you are not swaying your consciousness towards “good” or “bad”. Viewing everything just as it is. Black is black and not good or bad! Knowing that it is beneficial to observe what is working for you and what is not, and acting accordingly.
  9. Acceptance of things, outside of yourself, as they are, as a powerful tool towards being in balance. If you cannot accept things, then accept the responsibility to change them as a selfless service, to begin with.
  10. Not feeling inferior or superior to anyone or anything. You are unique and awesome just as you are!
  11. Being natural. Refraining from putting on dramas with people you engage with.
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