January 18, 2019

What is spiritual growth?

Everything that exists is composed of some form of spirit. So spiritual growth would imply encompassing step by step all that exists.

On the material plane, for an individual this means that one should expand one’s sense of self to encompass more than just yourself, which essentially causes your outer growth. This can start with considering your family to be your self and then moving further to include your residential community, and then, your city, your state, your country, your continent, your planet and so on...

When you include others in your self, you do for others what you would do for yourself. So, if you are concerned about your own cleanliness as an individual and you have expanded your self to include your whole country, then you will be concerned about the cleanliness of your whole country and will participate in it as if it were your own body!

For your inner growth one has to become conscious of deeper and finer realms of spirit within you. This happens through regular meditation wherein the mind is shut off so that your consciousness can dive into planes deeper and finer than your mind. With this deepening will come deeper and deeper bliss and an unwavering countenance!

Like a tree growing roots and branches to be healthier and stronger, you have to grow within and outside for spiritual growth. Not only will this give you immense fulfilment but it will also contribute to the fulfilment of the universe and make it more whole.

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