It is fine to read old science books to know the history of science and develop an appreciation for how scientific discoveries evolve vis-a-vis a truth that was always there.
Laws of science are revealed by God to people in the same way that laws of spirituality are revealed from time to time to different people. Albert Einstein once said, “I want to know God's thoughts - the rest are mere details.“ By reading about new revelations both in science and spirituality we are able to apply what is known till date holistically. A channelled book on spirituality is essentially a communication from a higher being to a person ready to receive, interpret and record the wisdom received.
A brief look at what scientists theorised at different times in history on the ubiquitous force of gravity serves as an example of why we must read the latest discoveries of science.

In the 6th century AD, Aryabhata identified the force to explain why objects do not fall when the Earth rotates, and developed a geocentric solar system of gravitation, with an eccentric elliptical model of the planets, where the planets spin on their axes and follow elliptical orbits, the Sun and the Moon revolving around the Earth in epicycles.
In the 7th century AD, Indian astronomer and mathematician Brahmagupta described gravity as an attractive force and used the term "gurutvākarṣaṇam” for gravity.
During the 17th century AD, Galileo found that, counter to Aristotle's teachings, all objects tend to accelerate equally when falling.
In the late 17th century AD, English mathematician Sir Isaac Newton published Principia, which hypothesizes the inverse-square law of universal gravitational force.
In the early 20th century AD, Albert Einstein published General Relativity where the effects of gravitation are ascribed to space-time curvature instead of to a force.
So here we see great scientists of an era with some theories that failed in later years.

Channelled books on spirituality also have an uncanny broad overview of what they are talking about. It's like a higher logic which seems to be filled with love. And if you want to know what the purpose of human life is and the metaphysics of Creation, then you will find these explained wonderfully in channelled books. For the ones who doubt what a channelled book explains, a reader is usually asked to come up with something better on the subject.
So are you ready to pick up a contemporary channelled book on spirituality for some exciting revelations?
If yes, here are some recommendations for starters:
- The Parables of Kryon by Lee Carroll
- Ramtha - The White Book by J.Z. Knight
- Conversations with God - Book 1 by N.D. Walsch
- God - an autobiography by Jerry L. Martin
Here's how to become a master, from a channelled book - CHECKLIST FOR MASTERY
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