January 26, 2020

Why do you have to make an effort to love on earth?

You have come to a planet where the force of love is lesser than the usual present in the spiritual realm. This is somewhat like the force of gravity on the moon being lesser than the earth and astronauts have a tough time on the moon with every action being delayed. But, this experience makes them realise the value of gravity on earth when they return back to earth to find that the responses to all physical actions are not delayed.

You are born on a planet in the universe, which is a material realm of weak love and analogous to the low gravity moon as compared to the high gravity earth, which the spiritual realm of strong love is analogous to. The material universe has been devised as a place to experience “less than perfect” love or weak love.

When your Spirit arrives on your planet in the universe, as should we say, a very courageous “Humanaut” wearing a “space suit” - the human body, it experiences different levels of love that are less than the strong love of the spiritual realm that it knows of and has got used to. Weak love on a planet causes love to play out in slow motion and you may have experienced some of these situations:

  • Not reaching your hearts desires immediately.
  • Taking time to show your love.
  • Others taking time to respond to you with love.
  • Some people just not loving you very much, causing you to remain at a distance from them.

You really have to go through so many experiences caused by a lack of love that at times you feel despair, frustration and anger. You may have often asked yourself, "Why me?" Well, it's not just you but everyone here on this planet.

All of this happens for a reason and a larger purpose, and each one of us has chosen to be here for this purpose. And, the purpose is –
To experience weak love, in order to make you fully realize what strong love and a feeling of unity in the spiritual realm really is, when your Spirit returns back to the spiritual realm.

To those who ask, why can’t we feel strong love in the spiritual realm? The answer is, no delays and no separation in the timeless spiritual realm makes you suffer from a lack of being able to experience love. So, when you come to your planet of weak love you are meant to look for ways and means to give and receive love. You have to make an extra effort to love just like astronauts on the low gravity moon have to make an extra effort to walk.

So, just go out and make an extra effort to help those in need, give gifts to people, return a favour, and do any act of kindness that you feel will make someone feel loved in order that love can be experienced.

After the experience of love on your planet you will no longer take the strong love of the spiritual realm for granted, but will be able to constantly feel its magnificence and just BE LOVE in the spiritual realm instead of just knowing intellectually that love is always present. Furthermore, weak love will cause experiences of separation to make you fully appreciate the feeling of unity in the spiritual realm.

And guess what? You will be celebrated in the spiritual realm when you return to it just like our astronauts are celebrated, when, after completing a long and arduous expedition to the moon, they return home!

So, whenever you are facing a situation of a lack of love, remember this metaphor of an astronaut on the moon walking in slow motion, and know you are a “Humanaut” on earth for a great reason - to better understand LOVE as the most magnificent force in existence.

Want to know the secret to constant love? Click this link - Love the future

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