In order that we all get cracking to start work in new and safe ways, policy makers, influencers and industrialists must immediately issue guidelines for the same in view of the threats posed by the Corona virus.
3 key important points to be looked into in the wake of Covid-19 are:
- Precautions
- Economy
- Environment
At the government level, the best method is quarantine of likely infected persons and allowing them to leave after 14 days if not infected and treating infected persons in self-isolation or special Covid-19 hospitals till they are free from the Covid-19 infection. We must ensure that the experience of people in quarantine centres and Covid-19 hospitals should be one of being cared for with empathy and one should not get a feeling of being herded into anyone of them.
For individuals, governments should issue and circulate guidelines to take simple precautions such as building immunity, wearing masks, social distancing of minimum 6 feet, and washing hands with soap or sanitizers at regular intervals. For higher risk individuals at places such as hospitals, quarantine centres and airports, full Personal Protective Equipment needs to be worn by their personnel.
2. Economy: We need to kick start the economy as fast as possible so that at least bread if not butter can be afforded by workers. Voluntary and forced lock-downs during the Covid-19 pandemic have severely strained cash flows that drive the economy.
As a head of an organisation, you should enforce the Covid-19 standard operating procedures and protocols of working at a common workplace and get to work. Here’s a link to download an intelligent PDF document prepared by Toyota to restart manufacturing, from which you can pick up guidelines applicable to your organisation -
Toyota Restart Manual
“Work From Home” should be encouraged wherever possible, such as in advisory work, digital work and cottage industry.
Governments must bring more money into circulation to reboot the economy and utilise it for low interest loan distribution to farmers and entrepreneurs, and earmark a substantial portion for green infrastructure development projects.
3. Environment & well-being: Covid-19 has made us experience the pleasurable side of Nature with chirping birds, clean air to breathe and a blue sky to see. Every policy maker, lobbyist and industrialist must advocate lean and green methods of doing work at every level. This has been an important message of Covid-19 to humanity. The human race is not the “monarch” of the planet but vulnerable to Nature. The Corona virus has given a rap on our knuckles on behalf of Nature to change our ways and change what we imagine economic development and progress to mean as a race. Gross National Product may not be the best measure of our progress so try considering other parameters such as Gross National Happiness with its four pillars below which contribute to well-being and life satisfaction:
- Sustainable and equitable socio-economic development
- Environmental conservation
- Preservation and promotion of culture
- Good governance
Inclusive prosperity is the way to global harmony
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