April 29, 2021

Is Oxygen Presidential?

Humans cannot live beyond-

a few weeks without food,

a few days without water, and

a few minutes without oxygen.

So what is one of the most important things in life?


And what has the Carona virus made people realise?

O2 O2 everywhere and not a molecule to breathe!

It was free, but now some pay thousands per hour to breathe oxygen through ventilators!!!


Because we have been grateful for water and grateful for food but have forgotten to be grateful to the invisible oxygen that has been keeping us alive!

We have been harping for years about reduction of carbon-dioxide emissions, carbon footprints and forgot all about increase of oxygen intake at an individual level.

What has it come to?

Covid has made oxygen as important as a president.

We see oxygen vehicles loaded on to the hold of dedicated airplanes just like the limos of presidents get loaded when they go to visit another country.

These oxygen vehicles on landing are piloted and escorted by security forces just like presidents are!

Here’s a reminder of the physical benefits of oxygen

  • Creates energy
  • Digests food
  • Eliminates toxins from the body
  • Fuels the body muscles
  • Metabolises fat and carbohydrates
  • Transports gases across cell membranes
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Manufactures hormones and proteins
  • Removes viruses, parasites and harmful bacteria
  • Keeps the heart pumping and healthy
  • Incites the lungs to breathe
  • Allows the nervous system, and all other body tissues to function normally

Increased oxygen levels also have the following mental benefits

  • Better mood
  • Improved concentration
  • Reduced stress
  • Sound sleep

Here’s what you can do to increase your levels of oxygen

  • Exercise daily
  • Do breathing exercises too daily (Yogic Pranayamas are a good option)
  • Rest on your stomach for a few minutes before you sleep
  • Have less of toxin producing food and beverages

Now that you know the power and importance of “presidential oxygen”, when you say grace, don’t forget to say this prayer of gratitude:

Lord God, I am grateful for the oxygen I breathe. Bless humankind and bless oxygen Thy gift, which we receive from Thy bountiful goodness.

Is Covid spreading love? Find out

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April 18, 2021

Is Covid Spreading Love?

You let a microbe bring you to your knees?

What if the Carona virus is causing love to spread?

What if Covid-19 is enhancing understanding and compassion for each other?

That could sweep over this planet with wellness and make things happen that never happened before.

If this is not what you think, think again.. 

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April 10, 2021

Preventing Burnout by ramping up your Spiritual Quotient

Why develop your Spiritual Quotient?

Burnout is the chief reason.

What are the symptoms of burnout? Ask yourself these questions and even if one answer is “Yes” you need to address it.

  1. Have you become cynical or critical at school/college/work?
  2. Do you drag yourself to do a job and have trouble getting started?
  3. Have you become irritable or impatient in your interactions?
  4. Do you lack the energy to be consistently productive?
  5. Do you find it hard to concentrate?
  6. Do you lack satisfaction from your achievements?
  7. Do you feel disillusioned about what you are doing?
  8. Are you using food, drugs or alcohol to feel better?
  9. Have your sleep habits changed?

Statistics of Burnout

  • Gallup recently surveyed more than 7,500 full-time employees about burnout.
  • 23 percent of those workers said they felt burned out more often than not.
  • An additional 44 percent reported feeling burned out sometimes.
  • To put that into context, nearly 2/3rd of full-time workers are dealing with burnout at some point while at work.

Burnout Defined

Employee burnout cases have increased to the point where the World Health Organization has officially recognized it and included it in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases. 

The handbook describes burnout as “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.”


Humans are 3-part beings – Body Mind & Spirit and we have to manage all these three parts effectively for a balanced life that is without dis-ease!

What is Spirit?

Spirit is the presence of the fine energy within and around you which for instance is responsible for digestion.

A dead body cannot digest food because the Spirit is missing!

SPIRITUAL QUOTIENT is about infusing your thoughts and actions with Spirit leading to desirable attitudes and qualities. 

Examples are - Cheerfulness, Gratitude, and Empathy.

There are many ways of building your Spiritual Quotient, the chief ones being – 

Life Skills, Mindfulness, Yoga and Meditation.

Want to know more about developing Life Skills? Click here

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