April 2, 2024

My Pursuit of Happiness

I’ve read a lot about happiness and applied what I learnt to my life. Today I’m going to share what worked for me to have constant joy, in the hope that some of it might work for you as well. However, you will have to put your own music to my words to get your happiness.
How to secrete Happiness Hormones. Put your own music to these words.

Humans are 3-part beings and to address any human quotient one has to address all the three parts - Body, Mind and Spirit! So, throughout this article all these have been addressed somewhere.

Let’s see what a 4th Century BC philosopher Zhuangzi had to say-

“Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness.”

In keeping with this “no striving” I have developed an attitude of accepting things as they are if I cannot change them. For example, if a flight is 5 hours late and there is no alternative, I’ll enjoy the airport restaurants and shops and happily pass my time. I don’t fret about it nor do I dwell on it later because the past is gone and I don’t believe that I am a victim of the past! This helps to reduce the secretion of the hormone Cortisol which is a downer!

However, I believe you have to strive daily for a DOSE of the high of happiness, since we live in a human body which triggers hormones that have to reach the brain through a very complex system for you to actually feel happy. Here’s how I get this daily DOSE!

A. The D in the dose stands for Dopamine - The reward chemical. For this:

  1. I eat tasty vegetarian protein rich food and desserts that support the transport of happiness hormones and take supplements for vitamin B12 and vitamin D3 that are also important for happiness.
  2. Achieving a daily goal in a word game gives me immense happiness when I complete it.
  3. I have To-Do lists and completing tasks in them and actually ticking off items gives me happiness.
  4. For self care, I take a daily bath as soon as I wake up to bring me happiness in the morning.

B. The O of DOSE stands for Oxytocin - The Love Hormone. For this:

  1. I regularly socialise with classmates and friends. It’s interesting that the 80-year Grant study at Harvard University found that being in communities was the key to a fulfilling long life.
  2. I hug friends when I meet them.
  3. I love to pet a cute dog breed Shih Tzu and it is very satisfying.
  4. I get a helpers high by selflessly doing things for people.

C. The S in DOSE is for Serotonin - The Mood Elevator. For this:

  1. I try to spend 10-20 minutes in the sun. It also helps in getting vitamin D.
  2. I look at trees and listen to birds chirp consciously to be with nature.
  3. For mindfulness I try to pay attention to what I’m doing.
  4. I’ve been doing daily transcendental meditation (TM) for over 25 years along with breathing techniques such as Sundarshan Kriya of The Art of Living. These work like shock absorbers for me.

D. The E in DOSE is for Endorphins - The Pain Killer. For this:

  1. I exercise, by walking daily for 45 minutes and every alternate day do muscle strength training with dumb bells and stretch bands.
  2. Music makes me high especially a genre called Deep House and I have my whole house filled with music almost everyday for happiness.
  3. I watch short films and documentaries on YouTube.
  4. A few friends make me laugh often and I’m fortunate for that.

So that’s my daily life story and A DOSE that keeps me happy everyday.

A for Acceptance

D for Dopamine

O for Oxytocin

S for Serotonin

E for Endorphins

As you may observe, all these habits can be learnt and applied easily to your life and it’s almost like skill training! You can choose your own activities to apply to your life for your happiness.

So here’s wishing you joy everyday because it’s easier to laugh than to cry!

Life is delicious and adventurous, so just enjoy it!!!

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