April 15, 2024

A to Z for Harmony on Earth

With the recent escalations in conflicts and many theatres of war opening up, it is imperative that each human becomes humane and that they work towards building harmony in their communities, organisations and governments.

If you don’t, then we all know you will suffer through exclusions, bloody wars, and economic stress.

Here are simple A to Z rules you can apply wherever you are, to make a difference for the better..

  • A for Awareness: Become aware of what is so and why. Learn about the interconnectedness of things at the material, mental and metaphysical levels.
  • B for Beauty: Be grateful for the beauty and usefulness of nature and automatically you will make it better by balancing the ecosystem.
  • C for Cooperation: Be committed towards your mission in this A to Z framework which can be achieved only through cooperation.
  • D for Dialogue: Continue dialogues to iron out disagreements and to avoid conflicts.
  • E for Empathy: We are all one and what you do for another you do for yourself. This will help you to act out of empathy.
  • F for Freedom: We need to give freedom within frameworks of natural discipline for individuals to feel loved and feel joy which are the driving force for the development of all humans.
  • G for Glocal: In whatever you do for the good of your locality, try and apply the global best practices suited for it.
  • H for Honesty: Transparency is the first step towards honesty. Balance security and transparency for the good of humanity.
  • I for Invest: What you sow is what you reap. So invest in actions that will secure the future of the next generations.
  • J for Joy: When you help others the outcome is joy. Focus on getting this joy.
  • K for Kindness: When you speak kindly you will be listened to.
  • L for Love: Love your passions.
  • M for Machine: Use machines like your servants for the overall benefit of humanity.
  • N for Nurture: Without nurturing what you sow within this A to Z framework, you will not get the fruits of it.
  • O for Openness: Keep your eyes and ears open to new ideas and your heart open to new acquaintances.
  • P for Protect: Use your power to protect that which is in need of it for the greater good.
  • Q for Question: Questioning is hard but yet you have to question things rather than taking them as gospel truth.
  • R for Responsibility: Without taking responsibility for what you wish to change, nothing is going to happen.
  • S for Sustainable: Whatever solution you are working on, make sure it is sustainable for itself and sustainable for the earth.
  • T for Thoughtful: Be thoughtful towards the overall good of humanity.
  • U for Umbrella: Develop umbrellas for protection against all kinds of anticipated disasters.
  • V for Visit: It is important to make physical visits to places for meetings and inspections which can be interspersed with virtual ones.
  • W for War: Yes war! You have to start a war to bring harmony on earth. Appoint generals and soldiers to fight this war.
  • X for Xray-eyes: You have to see through ulterior motives of people through xray-eyes and counter them with win-win solutions.
  • Y for You: The most important person for this A to Z framework is YOU! So focus on your self-development on a daily basis.
  • Z for Zone: You can’t change the world alone. For whatever work you pick up to work for the harmony of humanity, create different zones for the work where others trained by you will lead the work.

The words are simple but to implement them takes a lot of courage. What do you do when you have a time-bomb in your house and you cannot go outside that house. You muster the courage to defuse the bomb. It’s a do or die courage that you have to muster up right now! So let’s get on with it...

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April 2, 2024

My Pursuit of Happiness

I’ve read a lot about happiness and applied what I learnt to my life. Today I’m going to share what worked for me to have constant joy, in the hope that some of it might work for you as well. However, you will have to put your own music to my words to get your happiness.
How to secrete Happiness Hormones. Put your own music to these words.

Humans are 3-part beings and to address any human quotient one has to address all the three parts - Body, Mind and Spirit! So, throughout this article all these have been addressed somewhere.

Let’s see what a 4th Century BC philosopher Zhuangzi had to say-

“Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness.”

In keeping with this “no striving” I have developed an attitude of accepting things as they are if I cannot change them. For example, if a flight is 5 hours late and there is no alternative, I’ll enjoy the airport restaurants and shops and happily pass my time. I don’t fret about it nor do I dwell on it later because the past is gone and I don’t believe that I am a victim of the past! This helps to reduce the secretion of the hormone Cortisol which is a downer!

However, I believe you have to strive daily for a DOSE of the high of happiness, since we live in a human body which triggers hormones that have to reach the brain through a very complex system for you to actually feel happy. Here’s how I get this daily DOSE!

A. The D in the dose stands for Dopamine - The reward chemical. For this:

  1. I eat tasty vegetarian protein rich food and desserts that support the transport of happiness hormones and take supplements for vitamin B12 and vitamin D3 that are also important for happiness.
  2. Achieving a daily goal in a word game gives me immense happiness when I complete it.
  3. I have To-Do lists and completing tasks in them and actually ticking off items gives me happiness.
  4. For self care, I take a daily bath as soon as I wake up to bring me happiness in the morning.

B. The O of DOSE stands for Oxytocin - The Love Hormone. For this:

  1. I regularly socialise with classmates and friends. It’s interesting that the 80-year Grant study at Harvard University found that being in communities was the key to a fulfilling long life.
  2. I hug friends when I meet them.
  3. I love to pet a cute dog breed Shih Tzu and it is very satisfying.
  4. I get a helpers high by selflessly doing things for people.

C. The S in DOSE is for Serotonin - The Mood Elevator. For this:

  1. I try to spend 10-20 minutes in the sun. It also helps in getting vitamin D.
  2. I look at trees and listen to birds chirp consciously to be with nature.
  3. For mindfulness I try to pay attention to what I’m doing.
  4. I’ve been doing daily transcendental meditation (TM) for over 25 years along with breathing techniques such as Sundarshan Kriya of The Art of Living. These work like shock absorbers for me.

D. The E in DOSE is for Endorphins - The Pain Killer. For this:

  1. I exercise, by walking daily for 45 minutes and every alternate day do muscle strength training with dumb bells and stretch bands.
  2. Music makes me high especially a genre called Deep House and I have my whole house filled with music almost everyday for happiness.
  3. I watch short films and documentaries on YouTube.
  4. A few friends make me laugh often and I’m fortunate for that.

So that’s my daily life story and A DOSE that keeps me happy everyday.

A for Acceptance

D for Dopamine

O for Oxytocin

S for Serotonin

E for Endorphins

As you may observe, all these habits can be learnt and applied easily to your life and it’s almost like skill training! You can choose your own activities to apply to your life for your happiness.

So here’s wishing you joy everyday because it’s easier to laugh than to cry!

Life is delicious and adventurous, so just enjoy it!!!

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December 9, 2023

The Harmony of Spiritual Wisdom and Self-Help - Podcast

Embark on a transformative journey with the latest episode of God: An Autobiography, The Podcast - The Life Wisdom Project.

Special guest Ajit Dass joins the conversation, bringing insightful perspectives while exploring and comparing the messages from God: An Autobiography and Conversations with God.

Dr. Jerry L. Martin engages Ajit in a thought-provoking discussion about the depth of life experiences, the importance of acceptance, and the pursuit of one's best self, a harmony of personal growth and profound spiritual insights.

This discussion unravels the nuances of divinely guided purposes and destiny with compelling wisdom on becoming your best self, the pitfalls of sin, pursuing a higher self, and the delicate balance between attachment and non-attachment. Gain valuable perspectives on desires and fulfillment and discover the transformative power of balancing spiritual principles with practical self-help approaches.

Listen Now

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May 26, 2023

19 States of Success

Success means to get desired outcomes and is derived from two Latin words:

  1. Succedere
  2. Successus

Succedere means, come after; prosper; be victorious.

Successus means, a good result and happy outcome.

If we combine the two it essentially means you must successively get happy outcomes for success.

After a lot of reflection and discussions, I arrived at the following 19 states that may mean success for you:

  1. Being alive today since human life is fragile.
  2. Being healthy and fit without external aids.
  3. Being equanimous everyday.
  4. Doing what you love.
  5. Doing what you are good at.
  6. Being able to trust others and having their trust.
  7. Having recognition.
  8. Fulfilling your desires freely.
  9. Being kind everyday.
  10. Being forgiving everyday.
  11. Being helpful everyday.
  12. Being loving everyday.
  13. Being joyful everyday.
  14. Being grateful everyday.
  15. Being accepting everyday.
  16. Being aware of the present moment.
  17. Having no regrets.
  18. Having no guilt.
  19. Not having the need to define success and therefore unbound by definitions.

Tathastu (So be it) - is a state where you or someone blessing you have full faith that your wishes will be granted by the universe and this is when you are unbound by definitions.

There was a gentleman who had a lucky run on the stock market for 37 years and became a billionaire. He then opened a popular airline, but shortly thereafter he died in his early sixties due to multiple organ failure. And, there was another gentleman who lived about 2000 years ago, who among other things during the struggles of his life had all the 19 states of success mentioned in this article and attained enlightenment. He died a natural death in his early eighties and is still revered across the globe even today.

What seems to be most important in achieving success is not losing your balance as you go along because only then will you have good results successively.

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November 21, 2021

Why Yoga & Meditation is Good for You

In the rush of life, the pressure to meet timelines to deliver results, the desire to achieve some kind of superiority leading to frustrations caused by ambitions not reached, excessive indulgence in sense pleasures due to greed as well as habits, the cognitive apparatus gets disheveled, defiled, drained and tired, leading to symptoms of stress and burnout.

Unless you energise and infuse this cognitive apparatus with Vital Life Energy (Prana) you will be unable to perform tasks satisfactorily, with creativity and enthusiasm. A tried and tested way of energising yourself is Yoga in its broadest sense, which is not limited to the practice of just posture based excercises known as Hatha-Yoga.

195 Yoga aphorisms, known as Yoga Sutras, were compiled in the early centuries CE, by the sage Patanjali in India who synthesised and organised knowledge about Yoga from much older traditions.

The Yoga aphorisms are best known for the reference to 8 elements of practice culminating in a state of meditative consciousness of the mind, by concentration on something, leading to meditative absorption, and with regular practice, the development of a luminous mind which is equanimous and mindful.

The 8 elements of Yoga practice are:

  1. Abstinences (Yama)
  2. Observances (Niyama)
  3. Yoga postures (Asana)
  4. Breath control (Pranayama)
  5. Withdrawl of the senses (Pratyahara)
  6. Concentration of the mind (Dharana)
  7. Meditation (Dhyana)
  8. Absorption (Samadhi)

The main aim is to reach a state where you are untouched by the highs and lows of a dual world by transitioning to a meditative and metaphysical witness-consciousness state and observing empirical reality as separate from it. The by-product of this is being infused with Vital Life Energy which elevates your body and mind leading to a better quality of life.

Here are a host of metaphors that may encourage you to do Yoga and meditation, daily, to keep you going with your life in a state of happiness and devoid of stress:

  1. Yoga and meditation is like filling your bicycle tyres with just the right amount of air so that your ride is not bumpy but smooth because the air also acts like a shock-absorber.
  2. Yoga and meditation is like topping up your vehicle with fuel for the day. You just need to plug-in to the fuel source for a short while and then move on to your tasks for the day.
  3. Yoga and meditation is like a gentle wind that blows and clears the clouds hiding the sun so that the light of your Soul can shine through into your body and mind and bring in a feeling of lightness and take away the feeling of heaviness.
  4. Yoga and meditation is like rain that keeps the soil humid and therefore more fertile for seeds of creativity to sprout and new cells to grow.

According to scientific research, Yoga may:

  1. Reduce stress
  2. Relieve anxiety
  3. Help manage depression
  4. Stimulate brain function
  5. Help prevent heart disease

I hope this article has encouraged you to learn techniques for Yoga and meditation and practice them daily for a fulfilling life.

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November 4, 2021

Winning & Losing

There are no winners and losers because life is about experiences. You have to experience a low to know what a high is.

Which brings me to the point that everything that exists is like a wave. It rises, plays for a while and then recedes. Have you ever watched a wave in an ocean? The waves are not winning or losing but just moving…

So that’s how life is to be lived - constantly moving, marching on, and never quitting. Forget to die as well and allow life to take its time to give you many experiences!!! If one had to define a champion it would be one who never quits!

Persistence and agility are powerful! Observe how, soft and accommodating water is able to erode hard rocks into well rounded pebbles. So if you want to create something beautiful, keep at it with a soft attitude and you will see a wonderful outcome emerge gradually, appreciated by all. Start now...

To hear an enlighteneing conversation with Jerry Martin, the author of God: An Autobiography as told to a philosopher, click here - Link

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June 16, 2021

God: An Autobiography - A conversation with the author

 An enlighteneing Zoom conversation with Jerry Martin, the author of God: An Autobiography as told to a philosopher, after I met him in USA.

Some interesting topics that were talked about from the book:

  1. Obedience to God
  2. Guidance from God
  3. God beyond God
  4. Universal Theology and more..

YouTube link to the conversation - Click

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To engage with the author of the book, click here - Jerry L Martin

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For a deeper understanding of life I recommend the books pictured below
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